Mother~Daughter Valentine Tea Party

Sarah helping me set up on Sunday before Church
     Every year when I was little, my mom and I would host a Mother ~ Daughter Tea Party leading up to Christmas at our house.  It became one of those special parties that all my friends would look forward to each year because they knew it was coming.  It started when I was in first grade and we had it well into high school.  I still have friends text me pictures of the ornaments at Christmas I would give out each year.  I wanted to carry the tradition with my girls, but Christmas always seems so busy, so a few years ago we started the tradition of a Mother ~ Daughter Valentine Party.  We took two years off because of various factors (like moving two years ago and buying a new house last February!), but we started back this year and had a fabulous time!  It was the fourth one we've hosted and our best yet!
 Caroline invited her entire grade of fourth grade girls and other little friends, and this was the first year Sarah was able to invite her friends too!  Caroline started planning as soon as Christmas was over!  She loves to party plan and this is by far her favorite one to plan, even over her birthday!  She plans everything from how she is going to greet her guests to all the tea party activities.  This year, she planned bookmark making, a dance party, Valentine card making, and a photo booth.  From my experience, it's always best to have few crafts planned because these sweet girls can't stand around and sip punch for two hours!  It does get a little crazy, but there is nothing like a house full of giggly girls!  The sound alone is worth all the mess!
     As for the food, I'm sure our menu will evolve as the girls get older, but we keep it pretty basic.  With the time being 2:00 - 4:00 on a Sunday, I keep it light with a few savory touches.  (The littles really only want candy, so depending on what age you're planning for, keep it simple)!
Petit Fours (Federal Bake Shop)
Tiny Thumbprint Cookies (Erin Hurt of Dalton)
Meringues (Made by my Mom)
Pretzel, Hershey's Hugs with M&M's on top (made my my sweet niece)
Pink Lady Apple Slices
Pimento Cheese Cups with Sugar Smack Bacon (my easy)
Candy Bar:  Conversation Hearts, M&Ms, Heart Gummies
Punch (Frozen White Grape Juice in a punch round with Sprite poured on top...I've learned to keep it clear)
Rose' (Served this one and everyone loved it)
Sparkling Water

Signal Mountain Cookies in the shape of conversation hearts

P A R T Y   T I M E
Sunday afternoon, 2:00 - 4:00

S H O P   T H E   P O S T

And don't forget, before and after a party I am sure to wear these!  This save me and give me lots of energy to set up and clean up!  Happy hosting!!  XOXO